Home> FAQ'S
Part of providing a reliable lawn maintenance service is by providing reliable answers
To common questions. Below, you’ll find examples of questions we run into a lot.
When do you guy come out?
Our crews start off each morning around 7:30am and finish around 6:00pm your home is scheduled in the most logical geographical order with our existing customers. We will typically be out around the same day of week barring weather. A special mow day can be requested, but we reserve the right to
Charge additionally of this luxury if it is too far off our current route.
What if it’s going to rain?
A bit of drizzle or light shower doesn’t bother us too much, and our mowers won’t damage your lawn. If it’s a thunderstorm, or raining heavily, we will reschedule your service to the following business day.
What about bagging my lawn?
We use commercial mowers that typically prevent the need of bagging, even if you’ve had to bag in the past with your mower at home. If it becomes an issue, we do offer bagging at an additional charge but.
We don’t like to see clippings removed from the lawn. Clippings are vital to the growing cycle and return nutrients and organic matter to the soil. The only time we recommend bagging the clippings is when the lawn has gotten too tall between mowing’s to remove the clumps. Otherwise, you can wait for the clumps to dry up and mow it in another direction to spread the clippings out.
What if I get my lawn fertilized how often should I have my lawn mowed?
if you get your lawn fertilized we strongly recommend you signing up for weekly lawn maintenance or maybe twice a week in spring months not bi-weekly for a healthy lawn maintenance says to never cut 1/3 of your grass blade on each mow and weekly service ensures that.
What if I have a special occasion on my mowing day?
If you have a special event coming up and need us to adjust your schedule, please keep us informed! Just as if you were skipping a mow, we need notification by the business day before so we have time to react. It’s difficult for us to move our schedule around, especially on late notice, but if we have a crew in the area on a later day, we’ll do our best to fit you in before your special event.
When am I billed?
You are billed at the end of each month with an invoice placed in your mail box or you can request it be emailed to you.
When is payment due by?
The 15th of each month.
I have a dog, is that a problem?
As a mowing company full of pet lovers, we stress our pet policy for their protection. Our big mowers are scary, and if your pooch is loose in the back yard, we won’t go in. We ask that you keep your pet inside when we mow, or spring/fall clean-up day. Also, we ask that you pick up after your pet. That stuff adds up, and honestly, sometimes we wonder what you’re feeding them!
How long do you mow?
Boy, we wish we could tell you! Suffice it to say that as long as your grass keeps growing, we’ll keep mowing it for you, and you can always call our office to get specific scheduling info. As unpredictable as Ohio can be, we usually start spring cleanups in late March, and mowing in early April. We typically wrap up for most customers towards the end of November.
What height do you cut my lawn?
Our mowers are set at 3” in the spring and raised to 3 ½” to 4 ¼” during the hot summer months. These are the heights recommended by the Dept. of Agriculture for our Ohio grasses.
What if I usually lock my gate?
If you keep a locked gate, we generally recommend that you switch to a combination lock and give us the code so we can lock it back up to you when we’re through. Otherwise you’re responsible for locking/unlocking on your mowing day. If we unload all of our equipment and find you forgot to unlock your gate, we’ll mow everything we can and move on. If it’s on a spring clean-up day or a Fall clean-up day we’ll phone you or email you to reschedule service.
Can I switch between weekly and bi-weekly service?
Switching from bi-weekly to weekly is not an issue, but switching from weekly to bi-weekly can cause scheduling conflicts for us. It is usually easier to skip a cut or two during dry season until we can determine the best schedule for your Ohio lawn mowing services. If you get fertilized and you water properly, you will almost always need weekly mowing to keep up with the fast rate of growth you will experience.
Where are you located?
Right now, we currently perform lawn mowing in:
Eastlake OH and surrounding Cities:
How do I cancel?
If you need to cancel we will provide you a service cancellation link and we require a 14-day notice to allow us time for rerouting. At the bare minimum, we need two days’ notice or you will be charged for that week’s service.
What is your Privacy Policy?
We do not share any of our customers’ personal information with 3rd parties. We assure you that any information collected is used solely for internal purposes, and we treat security as our highest priority.