When is the Best time to seed your Lawn

Fall is the best time of year to overseed due to cooler temps and less weed competition, however, if you have bare spots in the spring they should be seeded to avoid them filling in with weeds.
When seeding in the spring, it is recommended to do this early to establish a stand of grass before the onset of the summer heat. Be sure to loosen existing soil, and when necessary add fresh topsoil to lightly cover the seed. Adding peat moss is a great option to help retain moisture.
Watering is very important, light frequent watering up to 3 times a day. Do not rely on rainfall alone, if we have any dry days, you’ll need to water to keep the soil moist. Also it is important to water lightly right after seeding to set the seed in the soil, this will help prevent seed from washing out during a heavy rain.
If the lawn is thin throughout, it is recommended to Aeration/Over Seeding in the fall.
to discuss this service or schedule for the fall.