Don’t Walk On Snow-Covered Grass

Eastlake Ohio Light snowfalls, but heavy footprints. We should all be careful about walking across lawns in winter because your grass can be injured by the icy daggers of frost and you’ll see the dead grass along foot paths in the spring.
But, the way this winter has progressed, I was surprised to find that you can sort of see the damage already. A week after one of our small snowfalls, I came upon a yard where most of the green grass was showing through because the inch or so of snow had already melted in the sun. Except, that is, for the tracks where people had been walking!
As you can see in the photo, it looks like the abominable snowman had tromped from the street to the front door across this particular lawn.
While it was more likely kids rushing home from school and mail carriers, that seemingly harmless traffic had mashed the snow into frozen footprints that refuse to melt away for days to come, leaving the grass below unable to see the sun and still suffering under the ice.

Further proof that if you don’t want to be repairing your lawn this summer, keep off the grass this winter.